OWL TodoApp tutorial – Welcome to the final part of our TodoApp tutorial using the OWL Framework. In the previous parts, we covered setting up the project, adding the first component, displaying a list of tasks, and basic CSS layout. Now, we will add the finishing touches to our app by saving tasks in local storage, filtering tasks, and enhancing the user experience.
11. Saving Tasks in Local Storage
OWL TodoApp tutorial- Our TodoApp works great, except if the user closes or refreshes the browser! It’s inconvenient to keep the application state only in memory. To fix this, we will save the tasks in local storage. With our current codebase, it is a simple change: we need to save tasks to local storage and listen to any change.
class TaskList {
constructor(tasks) {
this.tasks = tasks || [];
const taskIds = this.tasks.map((t) => t.id);
this.nextId = taskIds.length ? Math.max(...taskIds) + 1 : 1;
// ...
function createTaskStore() {
const saveTasks = () => localStorage.setItem("todoapp", JSON.stringify(taskStore.tasks));
const initialTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todoapp") || "[]");
const taskStore = reactive(new TaskList(initialTasks), saveTasks);
return taskStore;
The key point is that the reactive
function takes a callback that will be called every time an observed value changes. We need to call the saveTasks
method initially to make sure we observe all current values.
12. Filtering Tasks
We are almost finish. We can add, update, and delete tasks. The only missing feature is the ability to display tasks according to their completion status. We need to keep track of the filter state in Root
, then filter the visible tasks based on its value.
class Root extends Component {
static template = xml`
<div class="todo-app">
<input placeholder="Enter a new task" t-on-keyup="addTask" t-ref="add-input"/>
<div class="task-list">
<t t-foreach="displayedTasks" t-as="task" t-key="task.id">
<Task task="task"/>
<div class="task-panel" t-if="store.tasks.length">
<div class="task-counter">
<t t-esc="displayedTasks.length"/>
<t t-if="displayedTasks.length lt store.tasks.length">
/ <t t-esc="store.tasks.length"/>
<span t-foreach="['all', 'active', 'completed']"
t-as="f" t-key="f"
t-att-class="{active: filter.value===f}"
t-on-click="() => this.setFilter(f)"
setup() {
this.filter = useState({ value: "all" });
get displayedTasks() {
const tasks = this.store.tasks;
switch (this.filter.value) {
case "active": return tasks.filter(t => !t.isCompleted);
case "completed": return tasks.filter(t => t.isCompleted);
case "all": return tasks;
setFilter(filter) {
this.filter.value = filter;
.task-panel {
color: #0088ff;
margin-top: 8px;
font-size: 14px;
display: flex;
.task-panel .task-counter {
flex-grow: 1;
.task-panel span {
padding: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.task-panel span.active {
font-weight: bold;
Notice that we set the CSS class of the filter dynamically with the object syntax.
13. The Final Touch
Our list is feature complete. We can still add a few extra details to improve the user experience.
- Add visual feedback when the user hovers over a task:
.task:hover {
background-color: #def0ff;
- Make the text of a task clickable to toggle its checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" t-att-checked="props.task.isCompleted"
t-on-click="() => store.toggleTask(props.task)"/>
<label t-att-for="props.task.id"><t t-esc="props.task.text"/></label>
- Strike through the text of completed tasks:
.task.done label {
text-decoration: line-through;
Final Code
OWL TodoApp tutorial- Our application is now complete. It works, the UI code is well-separated from the business logic, and it is testable, all under 150 lines of code (template included!).
For reference, here is the final code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>OWL Todo App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css" />
<script src="owl.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
(function () {
const { Component, mount, xml, useRef, onMounted, useState, reactive, useEnv } = owl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function useStore() {
const env = useEnv();
return useState(env.store);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TaskList
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TaskList {
constructor(tasks) {
this.tasks = tasks || [];
const taskIds = this.tasks.map((t) => t.id);
this.nextId = taskIds.length ? Math.max(...taskIds) + 1 : 1;
addTask(text) {
text = text.trim();
if (text) {
const task = {
id: this.nextId++,
text: text,
isCompleted: false,
toggleTask(task) {
task.isCompleted = !task.isCompleted;
deleteTask(task) {
const index = this.tasks.findIndex((t) => t.id === task.id);
this.tasks.splice(index, 1);
function createTaskStore() {
const saveTasks = () => localStorage.setItem("todoapp", JSON.stringify(taskStore.tasks));
const initialTasks = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("todoapp") || "[]");
const taskStore = reactive(new TaskList(initialTasks), saveTasks);
return taskStore;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Task Component
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Task extends Component {
static template = xml`
<div class="task" t-att-class="props.task.isCompleted ? 'done' : ''">
<input type="checkbox"
t-on-click="() => store.toggleTask(props.task)"/>
<label t-att-for="props.task.id"><t t-esc="props.task.text"/></label>
<span class="delete" t-on-click="() => store.deleteTask(props.task)">Delete</span>
static props = ["task"];
setup() {
this.store = useStore();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Root Component
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Root extends Component {
static template = xml`
<div class="todo-app">
<input placeholder="Enter a new task" t-on-keyup="addTask" t-ref="add-input"/>
<div class="task-list">
<t t-foreach="displayedTasks" t-as="task" t-key="task.id">
<Task task="task"/>
<div class="task-panel" t-if="store.tasks.length">
<div class="task-counter">
<t t-esc="displayedTasks.length"/>
<t t-if="displayedTasks.length lt store.tasks.length">
/ <t t-esc="store.tasks.length"/>
<span t-foreach="['all', 'active', 'completed']"
t-as="f" t-key="f"
t-att-class="{active: filter.value===f}"
t-on-click="() => this.setFilter(f)"
static components = { Task };
setup() {
const inputRef = useRef("add-input");
onMounted(() => inputRef.el.focus());
this.store = useStore();
this.filter = useState({ value: "all" });
addTask(ev) {
if (ev.keyCode === 13) {
ev.target.value = "";
get displayedTasks() {
const tasks = this.store.tasks;
switch (this.filter.value) {
case "active":
return tasks.filter((t) => !t.isCompleted);
case "completed":
return tasks.filter((t) => t.isCompleted);
case "all":
return tasks;
setFilter(filter) {
this.filter.value = filter;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const env = { store: createTaskStore() };
mount(Root, document.body, { dev: true, env });
.todo-app {
width: 300px;
margin: 50px auto;
background: aliceblue;
padding: 10px;
.todo-app > input {
display: block;
margin: auto;
.task-list {
margin-top: 8px;
.task {
font-size: 18px;
color: #111111;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 30px auto 30px;
.task:hover {
background-color: #def0ff;
.task > input {
margin: auto;
.delete {
opacity: 0;
cursor: pointer;
text-align: center;
.task:hover .delete {
opacity: 1;
.task.done {
opacity: 0.7;
.task.done label {
text-decoration: line-through;
.task-panel {
color: #0088ff;
margin-top: 8px;
font-size: 14px;
display: flex;
.task-panel .task-counter {
flex-grow: 1;
.task-panel span {
padding: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.task-panel span.active {
font-weight: bold;
- How do I save tasks in the TodoApp?
- Tasks are automatically saved in local storage. They will persist even if you refresh the browser.
- How do I filter tasks by their status?
- Use the filter options to display all tasks, only active tasks, or only completed tasks.
- What happens when I delete a task?
- The task is removed from the task list and the local storage.
- How do I mark tasks as completed?
- Click the checkbox next to the task to mark it as completed.
- Where can I learn more about the OWL framework?
- Visit the OWL Framework Documentation for more details and advanced features.
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